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Літературний вечір до дня народження

В. Шекспіра

Мета:ознайомити учнів з біографічними даними  В. Шекспіра; розвивати інтерес до вивчення творчого шляху великого поета; виховувати в учнів естетичні смаки, любов до поезії та англійської мови.

Обладнання: мультимедичний проектор, аудіозаписи музики до творів В.Шекспіра.


T: On April 23, 2004, the  440th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s birthday was celebrated around the world. More has been written about the greatest English dramatist and poet than about any other writer. And yet many facts of his life are unknown to us.

P1: William Shakespeare was born on or about April 23, 1564, in the town of Stratford - on – Avon. His father, John Shakespeare, was a glover and a dealer in wool and other farm products. He was a respected figure in Stratford. In his childhood William went to the Stratford Grammar School where, besides reading and writing, he was taught Latin.

P 2: In 1582, when little more than eighteen, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, a farmer’s daughter, who was eight years older than himself. In 1583 Susanna, their first child, was born and then twins, Hamlet and Judith, followed in 1585. It  is presumed that later that year Shakespeare left for London.

P3: We know absolutely nothing about Shakespeare’s life for the next seven years. We know for certain that in 1592 a playwright, Robert Greene, wrote an angry pamphlet on Shakespeare from which we may conclude that by that year Shakespeare had become a dramatist.

P4:In 1594 Shakespeare became closely allied to the theatre company of the Lord Chamberlain’s Servants, which first occupied a playhouse called “The Theatre” and then built the famous Globe Theatre and held their performances there. Shakespeare became the principal playwright to the company. He was also an actor, but obviously not a first – rate one become he usually acted only small parts.

P5: But Shakespeare experience as an actor helped him greatly in the writing of his plays. His knowledge of the stage, and his poetical genius made of his plays the most remarkable ever written. Although Shakespeare made in London his home, it is probable that he often visited Stratford – on – Avon, where his family continued to live. In 1597 he bought the largest house in Stratford (called “New Place”) and in 1612 he retired there to spend the last years of his life in his native town.

P6: William Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616, exactly fifty-two years after the supposed day of his birth. He was buried in the church of Stratford. A monument was erected to the memory of the great playwright in Westminster Abbey. William Shakespeare lived at the time of the English Renaissance. By that time the yoke of the feudal barons had been thrown off and England had become a powerful state. English trade was flourishing, new branches of science were developing. At the same time there was no change for the better in the power of gold grew stronger. Shakespeare saw these contradictions and reflected them in his works.  Shakespeare wrote in all 2 long poems (“Venus and Adonis” and “Lucrece”), 154 sonnets and 37 plays.

P7: Shakespeare’ sonnets occupy a unique place in his literary legacy. Some critics hold the opinion that they are autobiographical, while others think them mere variations on themes traditional in Renaissance poetry. There are three main characters in the sonnets: the Poet, his friends and the Dark Lady. The Poet expresses the warmest admiration for the Friend and love for the Dark Lady. But despite the author’s intention, we see that the Poet’s Friend is a shallow, cruel and petulant man; the Dark Lady, likewise, turns out to be wicked and lying. And so in Shakespeare’s sonnets we may see the great misfortune of a genius who wasted his life and his feelings for the sake of persons unworthy of him.

P8: Among Shakespeare’s plays there are historical dramas such as “Henry VI” and “Richard III”, comedies such as “The Taming of the Shrew”, ”Much Ado About Nothing”, “Twelfth Night” and “The Merry Wives of Windsor”,  great tragedies such as “Hamlet”, “Othello”, “King Lear” and “Macbeth”, romantic dreams such as “The Winter’s Tale” and “The Tempest”.

P9: The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” stands apart from the other tragedies. It was written during the first period of Shakespeare’s creative work, when most of his comedies appeared. The play is full of love, youth and humanism. In spite of the fact that the hero and heroine die, their ideal of free and happy love remains.

P10: It is the great tragedies, written during the second period of Shakespeare’s creative work, which became the peak of the author’s achievement and made him truly immortal. The problems raised in these tragedies still produce a powerful impression on our emotions and on our intellect.

T: Shakespeare’s works are admired by millions of people. We highly value his realism, the popular nature of his art. We regard him as one of the world’s greatest writers.
















Мета: ознайомити учнів із святкуванням Різдва у Великобританії, практикувати учнів у монологічному мовленні, виконанні пісень англійською мовою;                                                                                            навчати їх естетичним смакам, виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови,  культури, звичаїв, традиції Великобританії.                                                                                Обладнення: ялинка, ялинкові прикраси, різнокольорові прапорці, кульки, ляльковий Санта Клаус, Різдвяні листівки, кольорові капелюхи, свічка, солодощі.

                          Christmas                                                         Christmas is on the 25th of December. It is the greatest holiday in Britain.

                     Christmas Traditions                                                     In Britain people have many interesting Christmas traditions. Listen to the short stories about trees and presents and other Christmas traditions.

                      Trees and Presents                                                People began to celebrate Christmas many, many years ago. They began to decorate the evergreen tree and give presents to each other. They placed a large shining star at the top of the Christmas tree and many bright shining balls (red, blue, yellow, green, silver) from top to bottom.          

                      Сhristmas Stockings                                                                In the evening of the 24th  of December children hang their Christmas stockings on their beds or put them under the Christmas tree. Father Christmas (Santa Claus) puts presents into them. A Christmas stocking is not a real stocking. It is big and beautifully decorated.

     Сhristmas Pudding                                                          Christmas pudding was first made many, many years ago. Now it is the highlight of Christmas dinner. Children often put holly on the pudding. Traditionally a coin is placed into the pudding. It brings good luck to a person who finds it.                                                                                                                                                       

                          Holly                                                                      Holly is an evergreen plant with sharppointed leaves and red berries. You know already that people put holly on Christmas pudding. They also use holly to decorate their homes. It is a very old tradition. Long ago people began to put holly in their homes during the dark cold winters. They liked to look at holly and think about the spring and the sun.

                        Mistletoe                                                                  Mistletoe is an evergreen plant with small white berries. On Christmas Eve there is a bunch of mistletoe in every house. Under this bunch boys kiss girls.

                        Robin                                                                 Many years ago postmen had bright red coats. They looked like robins. At Christmas they brought many Christmas cards. And people began to think about a robin as a Christmas bird. You can see it on almost every Christmas card.

                       Yuletide                                                                        Yuletide begins in the middle of December and ends on the 6th of January. All the children like this wonderful time because it is the time of much fun.        

     Christmas Eve                                                                Christmas Eve is on the 24th of December. On this day everybody is very busy and in a hurry. Offices close at 1 o,сlock, but the shops stay open late.                                                                                                                                    On Christmas Eve children hang their Christmas stockings on their beds. They wait for Father Christmas (Santa Claus) and other miracles.

     Сhristmas Day                                                        Christmas Day is on the 25th of December. British people celebrate this holiday with big dinners. Children have much fun. They play under Christmas trees, find presents in their Christmas stockings, eat Christmas puddings, watch pantomimes.The grownups don,t go to work on that day.

      Boxing Day                                                             Boxing Day comes after Christmas Day. It is on the 26th of December. People do not go to work on that day. They visit friends or go to theatre. Everybody gives and receives Christmas cards and Christmas boxes.

      Twelfth Night                                                               The Twelfth night is on the eve of the 6th of January. This is twelfth night after Christmas Day. It is the last day of Yuletide. People eat the Twelfth cake on the Twelfth night. This is a big cake with a coin baked inside. The person who finds the coin in his piece of cake becomes the king of the Twelfth night.             

                        European Christmas Song Contest                                                    The European Christmas Song Contest is held during Yuletide. Singers from Britain, France, Finland, Italy and other European countries sing Christmas songs.

                        Pantomime                                                                      A pantomime is a traditional performance for children at Christmas. All the children have much fun when they watch fairy tales with princes, beautiful princesses and fairies ("Cinderella", "Puss in Boots", "Dick Whittington" and many others).  

                        Player,s Theatre                                                                    There is a theatre in London where pantomimes are performed. It is called Players Theatre.

                        Transformation Scene                                                              Every pantomime has a transformation scene. During this scene miracles happen. For example, Cinderella changes into a beautiful princess. Children like these scenes very much.                                                                                             

                        Principal Characters                                                                There are the following characters in every pantomime: the principal boy, the principal girl (who is always married to the principal boy in the end) and the dame (who is a comic figure, usually the mother of the principal boy or girl; a man often plays this role). There are also a good fairy and a bad fairy in a pantomime.

                         Broker,s Men                                                                        They are the two clowns who usually take part in a pantomime. Children like to watch their funny tricks.                                                                            

                         Nativity Play                                                                           The Nativity Play tells the tale of Christ,s Birth. Children usually perform this play themselves. They perform it at school before Christmas.

                          Yule Log                                                                                A Yule log is a piece of wood,which people burn in the fireplace on Christmas Eve.

                         Christmas Decorations                                                       You know already that people use holly and mistletoe to decorate their homes. But there are many other decorations at Christmas. Listen to the short description of these decorations.

                          Christmas Tree                                                           Before Christmas people place the evergreen tree (Christmas tree) in their homes. Children decorate the Christmas tree with tinsel, toys, shining balls and flags. They place, a shining star at the top of the Christmas tree.   

                          Candles and Crackers                                                             On Christmas Eve people like to light candles. If there are children in the family, they often have Christmas crackers. When you pull a cracker it makes a bang and inside there is usually a Christmas hat, a small toy and a piece of paper with a joke on it.

                          Christmas Flags                                                                   Before Christmas children make small flags.On them they paint British, American, French, German, Finnish and other flags. They hang Christmas flags on the Christmas tree or decorate the room with them.

                          Christmas Hats                                                               Christmas hats are made of coloured paper. Children and grownups like to wear them at Christmas.

                          Father Christmas (Santa Claus)                                      You know already that Father Christmas come into children,s homes on Christmas Eve. He has a white beard and white and red clothes. He is always merry. They say he comes from the North Pole. He brings presents for the children.

                           Waits                                                                 Waits are a group of singers who sing carols. They sing carols, for example, in front of a Christmas tree. In small towns and villages waits often come and stand in from of the house and sing or play carols. They receive money for their singing or playing. They give the money to poor and old people.

                            Carol                                                                         A carol is a Christmas song. People often sing carol on Christmas Eve in the streets or at home.  

                           Christmas Dinner                                                              This is the big dinner people eat on Christmas Day. You know already that they eat Christmas pudding for Christmas dinner, and that children put holly on the pudding. They also eat a turkey for Christmas dinner. The dinner ends with mince pies.                                                                                                                       

                        Christmas Turkey                                                                A turkey is a traditional Christmas bird. People eat it oh Christmas Day.                

                        Mince Pie                                                               Mince pies are small round pies. Children like these sweet pies very much.

                         Christmas Card                                                        Every English family sends and receives many Christmas cards. Traditionally there is a robin on almost every cards (and you know already that a robin is a Christmas bird). Sometimes there is a bunch of holly on the Christmas card. You can read on the card:   “Merry Christmas!"

                         Christmas Box                                                           Traditionally people put their Christmas presents into boxes. That is why the day on which they give and receive these boxes is called Boxing Day. A Christmas box is wrapped in bright coloured paper with ribbons.

             Jingle Bells                                                                     

 Chorus                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Jingle bells, jingle bells,                                                                                                                Jingle all the way1                                                                                              Oh, what fun it is to ride                                                                               On a one-horse open sleigh!                                                                                      Repeat Chorus                                                   Dashing through the snow,                                                                                   Over the fields we go, laughing all the way!                                                    Bells on bobtails ring,                                                                                         Making spirits bright-                                                                                                      What fun it Is to ride and sing                                                                               A sleighing song tonight!                                                                                  Jingle bells, jingle bells,                                                                    Jingle all the way!                                                                                  Oh, what fun it is to ride                                                                  On a one- horse open sleigh!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  











Literary Party

“Robert Burns”  

Objectives:   to practice speaking  in  monologues, reciting poems;

                           to generalize pupils’ knowledge   about Robert Burns;

                            to stimulate  interest of learning English.

Equipment  Robert Burns’ portrait,   pictures of a monument to Burns,        Burns’ Cottage,  a map of      Scotland

    Compere:     We begin our school party dedicated to Scotland’s greatest poet, Robert Burns. Robert Burns was the most democratic poet of the 18th century. His birthday is celebrated in Scotland as a national holiday. His first poems were translated into Russian at the close of the 18th century. Our people admire Robert Burns’s poems and songs in the original and in the wonderful translations of Samuel Marshak. Now some pupils will tell you about Robert Burns’s life

                The first pupil:  Robert Burns, Scotland’s poet, was born on January 25, 1759, in a small clay cottage at Alloway, in Ayrshire , Scotland. His father, William Burns, was a poor farmer. He built this small clay cottage with his own hands. There were seven children in the family, and Robert was the eldest. His father knew the value of a good education, and he tried to give his children the best education he could afford. Robert was send to school at the age of six, but as his father could not pay for the two sons, Robert and his brother Gilbert attended school in turn. When not at school, the boys helped their father with his work in in the fields. But soon the teacher left, and so Burns’s father along with his four neighbours invited a young school-teacher, John Murdoch, to teach their boys. When Murdoch left, the poet’ s father taught the children himself. Reading and writing, arithmetic, English grammar, history, literature, French and Latin – that was Robert Burns’s education.

                  The second pupil:    William Burns died in February 1784. Later Robert Burns wrote  about his father  in    his verses My Father Was a Farmer ”.

           The third pupil Robert’s mother knew many Scottish songs and ballads and often sang them  in his childhood. His mother’s friend Betty told Robert many fantastic tales about devils, fairies and witches. Burns’s mother died in 1820. She lived long and enjoyed the fame of her poet son. Robert Burns became fond of reading. His favourite writers were Shakespeare, Sterne, Smollett, and Robert Fergusson, a talented Scottish poet (1750-1774). Fergusson’s tragic fate deeply touched Burns. Burns devoted many verses to Ferrgusson. In 1787, Robert Burns erected a monument over the grave of the Scottish poet Robert Fergusson at his own expense, when the book of his poems was published. 

                   Epitaph. Here lies Robert Fergusson, Poet

                   О памятнике, воздвигнутом Бернсом на могиле

                                    Поэта Роберта Фергюссона

                                        [On Fergusson]

                                   шотландского поэта

The fourth pupil: Robert Burns began to write poetry when he was fifteen. He composed verses to the melodies of old folk-songs, which he had admired from his early childhood. He sang of the woods, fields and wonderful valleys of his native land. After William Burns’s death you the family moved to Mossgiel, where Robert and his brother Gilbert rented a small farm. The  men worked hard, but the land gave poor crops. The family began to live worse. Just at that time Burns fell In love with Jean Armour and was going to marry her, but the girl’s father did not want to have a poor peasant for his son-in-law. Seeing that there was no way for a poor peasant to earn his living in Scotland, Burns decided to sail for Jamaica. To get some money for his passage, he published some of his poems. Six hundred copies of “Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect” were printed in Kilmarnock in July 1786. Their success was complete. The edition was quickly sold out and Robert Burns became well known and popular.

The fifth pupil:    Instead of going to Jamaica, Burns went to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. He had received a letter from several Edinburgh scholars, who praised his verses and invited him to come to the capital. In Edinburgh Burns was welcomed as one of the “wonders of the world”. A new and enlarged edition of his poems was the result. But soon Edinburgh society grew tired of him and forgot about the poem.  Robert Burns left Edinburgh and returned to his native village with money enough to buy a farm and marry Jean Armour, his “Bonnie Jean”. Burns devoted to Jean many beautiful poems, such as “I Love My Jean”, “It Is Na, Jean, The Bonnie Face” and many others.

                           (  “ A red red Rose” )

   The sixth pupil:            Though Burn’s poems were very popular, he always remained poor. He worked hard on his farm. But in 1791 Burns went bankrupt and had to sell the farm. He became a customs officer in the town of Dumfries. The work was hard, and it destroyed the poet’s health. He died in poverty at the age of thirty- seven. Burns was buried in Dumfries. His funeral was attended by a crowd of ten thousand. They were the common Scottish people whom he had loved and for whom he had written his poems andhe had written his poems and songs.

  (  “ Here to thy Health, my bonie lass “ )

The seventh pupil:              Burns also sang the beauty of his native land

    (   “ My heart’s in the Highlands”)

      Compere:   Some of Robert Burns’s lyrical poems are popular as songs all over the world. Robert Burns’s poems and verses inspired Beethoven, Schumann, Mendelssohn and other composers who wrote music to them. The best-known cycle of songs to Robert Burns’s verses was composed by Georgi Sviridov. The tunes to Robert Burns’s songs were written by Dmitri Shostakovich, Nikolai Myaskovsky, Yuri Lvitin and other composers. And now let’s sing the most popular song by Robert Burns “Auld I Lang Syne” together. It has now become a parting song at any party or meeting of friends.

                                 ( “  Auld lang syne”)





    HOW MANY  FLOWERS?                                 HOW MANY ARE THERE?

How many flowers do you see?                      How much is one plus one?                                                

How many flowers do you see?                      --- Two apples growing in the sun.                   

Eight in Buddy’s hands.                                      How much is two plus two?

Eight in Nelly`s hands                                         --- Four apples for little Sue.

How many flowers do you see?                         How much is three plus three?

                                                                                --- Six apples on the apple-tree.

                                                                               How much is four plus four?

                                                                               --- Eight red apples, and no more.


ONE, AND TWO, AND THREE, AND FOUR                                   CAN YOU COUNT?

     One, and two, and three, and four,                                      One little bird in a tree,

     It makes ten pens, and no more.                                          Two birds singing for me,

    One, and two, and three, and four                                         Tree birds by the door

    Five red pens and five pens more                                           And four birds on the floor.                          

    Five red pens and five pens more.                                          Now tell me , little    Paul,

                                                                                                          Can  you count them all?



        APPLES                                                                                          CAKES

There were six apples                                                         There were ten cakes

On the apple-tree;                                                               On a little plate;  

Three apples fell,                                                                  I ate two of them,          

And now they are three.                                                     And now there are eight.





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                FIVE LITTLE HAPPY DOGS                                 He ran away,                                

Five little happy dogs                                        And then there was none.          

Sitting by the door;

One ran away,                                                          WHY IS IT SO?  

And then were four.                                           Seven, seven, seven,

Chorus:                                                                 One from eight is seven.

Little dog, little dog,                                           Seven, seven, seven,                                                   

Happy and gay,                                                   Two from nine is seven,                         

 Little dog, little dog,                                          Seven, seven, seven,

 Run away!                                                           Why is it also seven?     

 Four little happy dogs                    

 Looking up at me;                                            TRY TO COUNT THEM

 One ran away,                                                   Оne apple, two apples,    

  And then there were three.                          Three  apples, four,                                                      

  Chorus:                                                              Five apples, six apples,                    

   Three little happy dogs                                  Seven apples more.                   

   Playing with my shoe                                     They are for you to eat,         

   One ran away,                                                 Try to count them, Pete!                                   

   And then there were two.                                          


   Two little happy dogs                                 COUNTING BOOKS

   Running in the sun;                                      One from three

   One ran away?                                               ---Two  books  for me.

   And then there was one.                             One from two   

   Chorus:                                                            ---One book for you.

   One little happy dog                                     One from one 

   Looking for some fun;                                   ---And we have none.



         Позакласний  захід  для  учнів  4-5 класів   


      “About Cubs and Grown-Ups”   


Мета:  повторити й активувати лексику з теми Animals”;

              тренувати учнів у декламуванні віршів англійською мовою;

              розвивати артистичність;

              виховувати естетичні смаки, інтерес до вивчення англійської   мови, піклування про тварин.


Обладнання: зображення тварин (малюнки, фото),                             маскарадні маски різних тварин.



                         OUR ANIMALS FRIENDS                  



MY CAT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I love my cat,                                                                

It’s warm and fat.                                                            

It likes to play.

Once it sat                                                                          

On my old clock,      

And yet,                                                                                                                                              

A cat                                                                 

Is not a dog.                                                                       


MY DOG         

My dog is clever, strong and quick,                        

His name is Spot, my name is Nick.                                              

My dog is nice, me dog is gay,                                           

We are together every day.

Through heavy snow, rain and fog

I am always walking with my dog.

My father often tells me: “Mind,

The dog  must not be left behind.”



Once, once they went for a walk,

The rabbit, the hedgehog, the cock.

But  when, when it was one o’clock,

 They suddenly lost the cock

And when, when it was two o’clock

Nobody saw the hedgehog.

 And when, when it was three o’clock,

There was no one to walk…

But in the evening they all met at home,

They were at home, they were at home.

But in the evening they all at home,

They were at home together.



       The gold fish are not made of gold,

They are so clever, so old.

The gold fish like to look at us,

We see each other through the glass.




                                         AT THE ZOO


 THE TIGER CUB                                            

          The tiger cub, a friend of mine,

 Much like a cat, but all in line.


 THE ELEPHANT                                                  

 The elephant has got a son,

A little boy, a small one,

But I am simply at a loss,

This child is bigger, than a horse!



       Visitors of all ages

Like to laugh near these cages.

But you must remember too,

That the monkeys laugh at you.



       And now, just look at the swan,

He swims and swims over the pond,

And looks sadly at the sky,

As if to say: “I want to fly!”



       I am looking at the hares

And I see their long grey ears,

That is why you know what?

The hares’ tails are so short.




The day is hot, the sun is red,

What can you do about that?

But Hippo, he is no fool,

He simply sleeps in his pool.



        THE POLAR BEAR                           

           The day is hot, the sun is bright,                            
I see the bear, he is white,                                     
He does not like the hot sun,                                                                                                            He likes big icebergs, we have none.                     
I like the bear, he is nice,                                             
Shall I buy for him an ice?



               THE FOXES

      The foxes, red and silver black
         Don’t ever sleep, the sleep they lack,
        Don’t you believe in their sleep,
        When they lie still, the foxes peep



          THE BABY DEAR

           How pretty! What a dear!
Have you seen a baby deer?
There’s great surprise
In his lovely dark eyes!



          THE CAMEL

           The camel’s looking so sad,
 A week has passed since last he ate.
 And you again have bought some ice,
Though you already had it twice!




        THE PARROT

                 I wonder, have you ever heard,
A parrot? He is a talking bird,
He says “a fool” to any man,
He sleeps and eats and talks again.
But he is dreaming of warm seas,
Of palms and some unknown trees


Звіт про проведення заходів присвячених Року англійської мови в Україні


 Проведення  інформаційно-роз’яснювальної роботи серед учнівської молоді та батьківської громадськості .

Створення на сайті навчального закладу електронної газети «English Press Centre» №1  “2016 – English Languages Year in Ukraine.”


 Організація та проведення Дня Святого Валентина (конкурс класних газет, «валентинок» , музично-літературний вечір).

Випуск  EPС №2  “St. Valentine’s Day.


 Організація та проведення Дня святого Патріка (покровитель Ірландії).

Випуск EPC №3 “Ukrainian Diaspora in Canada.


Проведення дня пам’яті Вільяма Шекспіра. Вікторина “Who Knows Shakespeare Better.”

Випуск  ЕРС  №4 «William Shakespeare».


 Організація та проведення Дня Європи (усні журнали, перегляд фільму «Україна - це Європа»).

Випуск  ЕРС№5 “London.


 Організація роботи літнього мовного табору на базі пришкільного табору з денним перебуванням.

Випуск ЕРС№6 “We Learn And Play Together.”

Липень - Випуск ЕРС №7 “Study  in the USA.”

Серпень – Випуск ЕРС№8  “Ukraine.”


Організація та проведення Європейського Дня мов (усний журнал).

Випуск ЕРС№9 Education in the UK.’’


Організація та проведення районного семінару вчителів іноземних мов.

Урок  «Як навчаються мої однолітки в Англії. «(2 клас).

Урок  «Друг – це дарунок Бога.» (7 клас).

Виховний захід  « Я захоплююся тобою, Україно!»(7 клас).

Випуск ЕРС № 10   “Cossacks in England?


Організація та проведення 1-го туру Всеукраїнської олімпіади з англійської мови.

Участь у сьомому Всеукраїнському конкурсі з англійської мови «Гринвіч».

Випуск  ЕРС№11 “National Parks of Great Britain.”


Участь у ІІ турі Всеукраїнської олімпіади з англійської мови.

Організація та проведення тижня англійської мови.

 Понеділок,12 грудня

 Конкурс знавців англійської мови  “Young Anglonauts” (2-3 класи). 

Вівторок, 13 грудня

Вікторина “Travelling Around the English-Speaking Countries “ (10-11 класи ).

Середа, 14 грудня 

Перегляд  фільму  “The  GLOBE Theatre ”  (8-9 класи).

Четвер, 15 грудня

Вікторина “How Much Do You Know?” (7 клас)

П’ятниця, 16 грудня

Пізнавальна гра “Grammar Without a Hammer” (5-6 класи)..


Випуск EPC №12 “Cristmas in the UK.”   




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